Discounted Period:2025-02-04 08:00:00 - 2025-02-18 17:59:59
Sale Price 60%
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动作冒险 角色扮演 4K高清 HDR 单人游戏 光线追踪 杜比全景声 Xbox成就 Xbox云存档 XSX|S 强化
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年龄限制:13+ 容量:0G
※本商品亦包含於其他套裝商品內。請注意避免重複購買。 那段冒險,將被刻為英雄故事。 能夠響應玩家想像且豐富多彩的動作, 以及即使是單人遊玩也能享受「與他人一起冒險的樂趣」的遊戲體驗。 在繼承了具有獨自遊戲價值的開放世界動作遊戲《Dragon's Dogma 2》中,你可享受想像中的自由冒險。 借助最新的畫面、物理計算及AI人工智能, 精心編織而成的王道幻想世界。 這個世界充滿着驚喜和現實感。 與旅伴隨從一起, 讓我們踏入一場獨一無二的冒險吧。 ※本遊戲的光線追蹤功能並不適用於Xbox Series S版本。 ©CAPCOM DRAGON'S DOGMA is a trademark and/or registered trademark of CAPCOM CO., LTD. and/or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Dragon's Dogma 2: 1500 Rift Crystals - Points to Spend Beyond the Rift (C)
Dragon's Dogma 2: Wakestone - Restore the dead to life! (D)
Dragon's Dogma 2: 1500 Rift Crystals - Points to Spend Beyond the Rift (A)
Dragon's Dogma 2: Wakestone - Restore the dead to life! (B)
Dragon's Dogma 2: Wakestone - Restore the dead to life! (C)
Dragon's Dogma 2: Wakestone - Restore the dead to life! (A)
Dragon's Dogma 2: Heartfelt Pendant - A Thoughtful Gift
Dragon's Dogma 2: 2500 Rift Crystals - Points to Spend Beyond the Rift (A)
Dragon's Dogma 2: 500 Rift Crystals - Points to Spend Beyond the Rift (C)
Dragon's Dogma 2: Dragon's Dogma Music & Sound Collection - Custom Sounds
Dragon's Dogma 2: Ambivalent Rift Incense - Change Pawn Inclinations
Dragon's Dogma 2: 500 Rift Crystals - Points to Spend Beyond the Rift (B)
Dragon's Dogma 2: Art of Metamorphosis - Character Editor
Dragon's Dogma 2: 500 Rift Crystals - Points to Spend Beyond the Rift (A)
Dragon's Dogma 2: A Boon for Adventurers - New Journey Pack
Dragon's Dogma 2: Wakestone - Restore the dead to life! (E)
Dragon's Dogma 2: Portcrystal - Warp Location Marker
Dragon's Dogma 2: Makeshift Gaol Key - Escape from gaol!
Dragon's Dogma 2: 1500 Rift Crystals - Points to Spend Beyond the Rift (D)
Dragon's Dogma 2: Harpysnare Smoke Beacons - Harpy Lure Item
Dragon's Dogma 2: Explorer's Camping Kit - Camping Gear
Dragon's Dogma 2: 1500 Rift Crystals - Points to Spend Beyond the Rift (B)